On Curriculum and Pedagogy
- About Teaching
- The Art of Teaching
- The Assessment Trap
- Big-Picture Planning
- Grades: What Does the Research Say? by Sarah Clowes
- Group Work
- Heterogeneous Classes
- Homework and Assessment Suggestions
- Nothing Works: article | outline
- Puzzles in Math Curriculum
- Reaching the Full Range
- Serving our Strongest Students
- Teaching in the Long Period
- There Is No One Way
- For a Tool-Rich Pedagogy
- Algebra for All?
- Algebra Manipulatives
- Algebra: Themes, Tools, Concepts Through a Deweyian Lens by Jen Coté
- Applets Directory
- Big-Picture Planning
- The Common Core High School Math Standards — a closer look
- Depth vs. Breadth in Secondary Curriculum with Jonathan Howland
- Hyper-Acceleration
- Kinesthetic Activities
- The Lab Gear
- Lab Gear Q and A
- Manipulatives (short video, and links)
- Math: Visual and Interactive!
- Mathematics Overview (a course outline of secondary school highlights)
- A New Algebra with Anita Wah
- Project SEED
- A Proposal for Early Mathematics Education
- The Pythagorean Geoboard
- Reply to Critic
- Making Sense in Algebra 2
- Teacher Collaboration with Jonathan Howland
- Teaching Proof
- The Turtle and the Mouse (1997) | Boxer: A Teacher's Experience (2022)
- What are Themes, Tools, and Concepts? with Anita Wah
- Why I Use the Interactive Whiteboard
Curricular Materials
Abstract Algebra
- Notes | Worksheets
- Extension (isomorphism, fields, creating integers and rationals)
- Kinds of Numbers
- Rubik's Cube (notes)
- Add Till It's Plaid
- Algebra Lab Gear (More links below)
- Errata in the Algebra Lab Gear books
- Algebra: Themes, Tools, Concepts with Anita Wah
- Algebra 2
- Angles | Middle school unit
- Applets Directory
- Area of a Circle
- Astronomy: Look! Up in the Sky! | Penumbra
- Base Ten Blocks
- Building Block Numbers (the "McNuggets Problem")
- Changing a, b, c in y=ax2+bx+c
- Comparing Cell Phone Plans with Amanda Cangelosi
- Completing the Square: Unit outline | Applet
- Complex numbers
- Congruence and Similarity (introduction)
- Conic Sections
- Geometry of the Conic Sections | 3D
- Geometry of the Ellipse
- Geometry of the Parabola | 3D
- Conics Paper: Two Foci | Focus-Directrix
- Paper-folding by Rachel Chou
- Parabolas and Quadratics
- Soccer Angles
- Constant Speed
- Constant Sums, Constant Products
- Construction
- Worksheets
- Teachers' Guide
- Middle school version
- Triangles and Iteration by Rachel Chou | Tri, Tri Again (applet)
- Cutting Out Hearts by Katherine Paur
- Dilation | Applet
- Doctor Dimension
- Window Shades with Rachel Chou
- Dodecagons
- Dream Team (Fathom)
- Electronic Graphing
- Make These Designs: Notes | Worksheet: TI-83/84, TI-89
- Make these parabolas: TI-83/84, TI-89
- Find These Polynomials
- STAIR | Staircases: TI-83/84 | TI-89
- Which Is Greater? TI-83/84, TI-89
- Parabolas and Quadratics
- Rolling Dice: TI-83/84, Fathom
- Super-Scientific Notation
- Graphing Square Roots: TI-83/84, TI-89
- Complex numbers, matrices: worksheets (GeoGebra) | worksheets | TI-89 files
- Make These Designs: Notes | Worksheet: TI-83/84, TI-89
- Equations
- Equations vs. Identities (equivalent expressions)
- The Cover-Up Method
- Which is Greater?
- Kinds of Numbers
- Exponential Functions
- Exponents: pre-algebra | basic algebra
- Factoring a Sum or Difference of Cubes
- Factoring a Trinomial
- For Math Circles
- Fractions
- Function Diagrams
- Introduction
- Presentation slides (PDF | Keynote)
- Software to Download | Applets
- and Cartesian graph
- composition
- linear
- system
- magnification (rate of change)
- mystery functions
- y=1/x
- make diagram to copy-paste
- linked diagrams (composition) to copy-paste
- linked diagrams (iteration) to copy-paste
- Blanks
- Nine | Six | Eight
- Composition and Magnification
- The Focus
- Representing Linear Functions
- Geometry of Function Diagrams
- Functions
- Galileo's Dialogue on Infinity
- Games
- Geoboard Activities
- Geometric Construction: Worksheets | Teachers' Guide
- Geometric Puzzles
- Geometric Puzzles Unit | Geometric Puzzles in the Classroom
- Geometric Puzzles for Prospective Math Teachers
- Pentominoes
- SuperTangrams
- Polyarcs
- Polyomino Lessons
- Polyomino Names Reference Sheet
- Rubik's Cube (notes)
- Tangrams
- Tearing Tangrams
- Tangram Measurements (image)
- The 13 Convex 7-Tangram Figures
- Tangram Puzzles book
- Tangrams applet
- Geometric transformations: see "Transformational Geometry"
- Geometry Labs
- The Geometry of Linear Graphs
- Geometry of the Conic Sections: 2D | 3D
- Geometry of the Parabola: 2D | 3D
- Glide Reflection
- Grid Paper (virtual)
- In Addition...
Infinity: Presentation | Teacher's Guide
- Galileo's Dialogue
- Lewis Carroll's "Two-Part Invention"
- Integer Sequences | Selected worksheets
- Integrating y=x2
Interpreting Graphs
- The Bicycle Trip
- Comparing Cell Phone Plans with Amanda Cangelosi
- Discounts
- In the Lab
- Weight vs. Age
- Investigating Rectangle Areas
- Isometries
- Iterating Functions (includes several Fathom files)
- Linear
- Notes | Worksheets from The Mathematics Teacher, with Jonathan Choate
- Notes | Worksheets from Algebra: Themes, Tools, Concepts, with Anita Wah
- Triangles and Iteration by Rachel Chou | Tri, Tri Again (applet)
- Explicit Formula
- Geogebra:
- Non-Linear
- Linear
- Kinesthetic Activities
- Knot Theory
The Lab Gear | Q and A
- Virtual Lab Gear
- Eleven Videos
- Factoring/Distributing applet
- Geometry-Graphing Connection | Applet
- Completing the Square: Unit outline | Applet
- History and comparison with other algebra manipulatives
- Left or Right?
- Leonardo's Areas
- Letters and Postcards (linear programming)
- Lewis Carroll's "Two-Part Invention"
Linear Functions
- Comparing Cell Phone Plans with Amanda Cangelosi
- Discounts
- The Geometry of Linear Graphs
- In the Lab
- Left or Right?
- Make These Designs
- Stairs
- Linear Programming: Letters and Postcards
- Look! Up in the Sky! (astronomy unit)
- Logarithms: Super-Scientific Notation
- Make These Designs (linear): TI-83/84, TI-89, GeoGebra and others
- Make these parabolas: TI-83/84, TI-89
- Find These Polynomials
- Manipulatives
- Map Coloring
- Mathematics Overview (a course outline of secondary school highlights)
- The McNuggets Problem:
- Building Block Numbers
- Generalizing (solution)
- Full lesson plan with Amanda Cangelosi
- Middle School
- Multiplying Binomials
- My Books
- My Talks
- nth Power Variation | Teachers' Guide
- Number Puzzles
- Off and On
- Overview: Grades 7-10
- Parabolas and Quadratics
- Changing a, b, c in y=ax2+bx+c
- Completing the Square: Unit outline | Applet
- A Different Approach to the Quadratic Formula: Worksheet | Slides | Video
- Factored Form of Quadratic Functions | Applet
- Five Representations
- From Factored to Standard Form
- Geometry-Graphing Connection | Applet
- Geometry of the Parabola: 2D | 3D
- Make these parabolas: TI-83/84, TI-89
- Maximizing Area | Condensed version
- Moving Parabolas Around
- Quadratic Forms
- Quadratic Functions (middle school unit)
- Quadratic Parameters
- A Graphical Approach to the Quadratic Formula
- Parallelogram area
- Pattern Blocks
- Pentominoes
- Pent
- Penumbra
- Percent
- Perspective: PDF | Applet
- Pick's Formula: Geometry Labs 8.6 | Algebra: Themes, Tools, Concepts 4.12 | Proof
- Polyarcs
- Polyomino Lessons
- Powers: see Exponents
- Probability (an introduction)
- Project SEED
- Proof
- Proportional Relationships
- Puzzles: Geometric | Number
- Pythagorean theorem
- Quadratics: see "Parabolas and Quadratics"
- The Radian Dance by Kim Seashore
- Rate of Change
- Recognizing Functions
- Rigid Motions: see "Isometries"
- Rolling Dice
- Rubik's Cube (notes)
- Scaling
- Scientific Notation
- Sequences and Series
- Arithmetic: Notes | Worksheets
- Geometric: Notes | Worksheets
- Shrinky Dink Fun by Rachel Chou
- Signed Number Arithmetic Games
- Sine Curve
- Slices
- Slide Rule (Make Your Own)
- Slope: see Rate of Change
- Slumber Theory
- Presentations: Longer | Shorter | Grades 7-10
- Abstract Algebra
- Student-created Symmetric Designs | Friezes
- See "Transformational Geometry"
- Spirograph Simulation
- Square Roots: Middle School | Precalculus
- Squaring Pentominoes
- Square-Sum Partitions
- Stairs: online | on TI calculators
- Sum / Difference of Squares / Cubes
- Sum of Consecutive Cubes
- Super-Scientific Notation
- SuperTangrams
- Symmetry
- Lessons | Handouts | Make a Design! | Street photos | Friezes
- Symmetry Labs
- Symmetry with Pattern Blocks
- Wallpapers Catalog | Wallpaper Starters
- Symmetric Polygons with Lew Douglas
- Systems: Linear Equations | Linear Inequalities
- Tangrams home page
- Tearing Tangrams
- Tangram Measurements (image)
- The 13 Convex 7-Tangram Figures
- Tangram Puzzles book
- Tangrams applet
Teachers' Mathematics
- Abstract Algebra
- A Different Approach to the Quadratic Formula
- Function Diagrams
- Geometry of Linear Graphs
- Geometry of the Parabola: 2D | 3D
- Geometry of the Conic Sections: 2D | 3D
- Iterating f(x)=2|x|-2
- Mapping Triangles to Points
- Pattern Block Trains
- Proof of Pick's Formula
- Some of what I did at the Park City Mathematics Institute in 2006
- Staircases
- Transformational Geometry
- Teaching
- TED-Ed animations: Vampire | Dragons
- Tiling (tessellation)
- Tools
- Transformational Geometry
- Isometries applets | Cabri files
- Isometries | Dilations | Congruence and Similarity
- Triangle Congruence and Similarity: v1 | v2 with Lew Douglas
- Isometries of the Plane
- The Glide Reflection
- Only Four Kinds of Isometries
- Complex numbers, matrices: worksheets (GeoGebra) | worksheets | TI-89 files
- Triangles and Iteration by Rachel Chou | Tri, Tri Again (applet)
- Trigonometry: The Ten-Centimeter Circle
- Virtual Manipulatives: Geoboard | Circle Geoboard | Lab Gear | Pentominoes | Tangrams
- Volume of a Pyramid (Cabri 3D)
- Wallpapers Catalog | Wallpaper Starters
- The Well-Chosen Rectangle (fraction arithmetic)
- Window Shades with Rachel Chou